Everyone wants to share a kiss and a smile on Valentine’s Day. Make sure your mouth is ready for it! A good way to start is by having your teeth cleaned. This not only freshens and brightens your teeth, it can really help clear away any lingering bad breath problems… Read More…
We’d all like to believe we were hired for our brains, our passion for the job, and because we were the best fit all around. Unfortunately, that’s not always true. Everyone at my Chapel Hill dental office wants you to know that, while it may sound incredibly superficial, the way… Read More…
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As the calendar rolls into another year, so many resolutions are being made every day — to eat healthier, call your mom more, and get to the gym regularly. Chances are by June, more than half of all resolutions will have fallen by the wayside. At my Chapel Hill dental… Read More…
Everyone is busy gearing up for a new year. Here at my Chapel Hill dental office, we’ve been working on our New Year’s resolution lists too. What’s on yours? More exercise? More time to relax? A new hobby? Whatever is on your list already, I’d like to suggest that you… Read More…
You wake up with a headache most mornings. Your tongue looks weirdly scalloped. Your teeth have hairline fractures and look shorter than they used to. What is happening while you sleep? It could be bruxism, otherwise known as unconscious clenching and grinding. If it is, you really need a nightguard…. Read More…
Many of our patients experience tooth loss, and while dentures can provide a solid solution for missing teeth, there’s still a maintenance routine that needs to be done to extend the life of dentures and protect overall oral health. At my Chapel Hill dental office we want all of our… Read More…
We’re always talking to our patients about the importance of a proper oral hygiene routine of brushing twice a day, flossing once a day, and visiting my dental office in Chapel Hill regularly. But did you know these guidelines can do more than just ensure a healthy mouth? They can… Read More…
What is your bedtime routine? If you are a patient at my Chapel Hill dental office, we feel pretty sure it includes brushing and flossing your teeth. But routines and habits you may not even be aware of might be part of your night as well! And these habits won’t… Read More…
Just as with all medicine, dentistry is an ever-evolving field. At my dental office in Chapel Hill, we’re constantly updating technology and improving our knowledge to better serve patients just like you. But imagine if you lived 200 hundred years ago. What was dentistry like then? How about during the… Read More…