When we think of toothpaste, we obviously think of the main purpose… to clean the teeth. That is what it’s designed for, after all. But at my Chapel Hill dental office, we always hear of other uses for toothpaste, and while we haven’t tried them all, we still thought it’d be fun to share them with our patients.
If you’re up to trying any of the above, let us know if you have success, but make sure to always leave enough toothpaste in the house to use for its intended purpose — brushing your teeth. We recommend brushing at least twice a day to keep your mouth free of cavities. That, paired with regular dental cleanings and exams with your Chapel Hill dentist, is the best recipe to avoid the need for dental treatments like crowns, fillings, root canals, or onlays.
If it’s been awhile since you’ve been in to visit, or if you’re in need of a new dentist, call my Chapel Hill dental office to schedule an appointment today.
Welcoming patients from Chapel Hill, Durham, and Pittsboro.