Over the past year, some dental offices have been reporting higher rates of cracked teeth than in years’ past. Take this dentist’s experience documented in the New York Times for example. So, is there some weird connection between COVID-19 and cracked teeth? Well, kind of. While cracked teeth are not… Read More…
Over the past several months, seeing facemasks everywhere we go has become the norm. For the foreseeable future, these facemasks will continue to be a part of our lives to help stop the spread of COVID-19. But this change in our daily routines can have a side effect that directly… Read More…
Pain in your teeth is such a unique yet unpleasant feeling. The zings and throbbing that come along with a toothache are enough to make you miserable. We get it, and even though we don’t wish toothaches on anyone, the truth is, they happen. But sometimes the hardest part of… Read More…
Many everyday things can cause tooth staining, from your daily cup of coffee to your nightly glass of red wine. But don’t worry, your dentist in Chapel Hill has some good news. You don’t necessarily need to stop enjoying all the things that can stain your teeth. In fact, there… Read More…
Many smokers try to disguise their habit by covering up the smell with gum, mints, or mouthwash. But the truth is, your dentist in Chapel Hill can probably still tell that you’re a smoker even if you don’t share that information. In actuality, there’s a lot your dentist can tell… Read More…
November is Diabetes Awareness Month and strives to raise awareness of a chronic disease that affects nearly 30 million Americans. But what does this have to do with your dentist in Chapel Hill? Well, the truth is, there is a strong connection between oral health and diabetes, and it’s ever… Read More…
You may have heard the saying that the eyes are the window to the soul. While that may be true, your dentist in Chapel Hill wants you to know that the mouth is in fact the window to overall health. Years of research continues to show just how important oral… Read More…
Every October, the American Dental Hygienists’ Association and Colgate sponsor a month-long celebration for dental hygienists around the country. Dental hygienists are crucial members of your healthcare team and are responsible for keeping patients’ mouths (and bodies) healthy. This year, the theme for National Dental Hygiene Month is Faces of… Read More…
As we head into the month of October, we tend to see pink ribbons everywhere in support of breast cancer research and breast cancer patients. Cancer is one of those scary words nobody wants to hear, and it can cause feelings of uncertainness and weariness of what treatment will bring…. Read More…
Having a gummy smile can affect someone’s self-confidence, and if you’re someone who sees more gum tissue than teeth when smiling or talking, you may know exactly what we’re talking about. In fact, it’s not uncommon for your dentist in Chapel Hill to hear patients say they’re embarrassed by their… Read More…